By Keith Kyle
There’s no question that builders have jumped wholeheartedly back into the luxury market of Manhattan Beach as prices have soared and seem poised to continue so for quite a while due to the low inventory and pent up demand. Recent prices on new construction homes and even flips have surprised even the most optimistic and it’s not surprise that many original condition homes and fixers are being sold for lot value. Most of these sales are to builders but that’s not always the case as many buyers are willing to build their dream home and pay a premium over what builders are willing to pay. I wanted to thank Mike Michalski from South Bay Brokers for putting this list together.
Address Size (WxH) Orientation Price Sale Date
750 35th St 5406 (40 x 135) South-facing, Interior $1,120,000 10/9/2013
1905 Elm Ave 4480 (40 x 112) West-facing, Interior $1,131,500 5/8/20 13
3113 N Poinsettia 4640 (40 x 116) West-facing, Interior $1,140,000 10/18/2013
717 25th St 5120 (40 x 128) North-facing, Interior $1,150,000 5/8/2013
Busy intersection
605 25th St 5121 (40 x 128) North-facing, Interior $1,250,000 4/12/2013
1313 Pine Ave 4480 (40 x 112) West-facing, Corner $1,300,000 In Escrow
1600 N Poinsettia 4200 (37.5 x 112) East-facing, Interior $1,350,000+
2900 N Ardmore 7500 (75 x 100) South-facing, Interior $1,350,000 4/17/2014
Busy street
2409 N Poinsettia 4480 (40 x 112) West-facing ,Interior $1,400,000 4/16/2014
2517 Laurel Ave 6867 (63.5 x 108) West-facing corner $1,400,000 3/5/2014
750 30th Street 5400 (40×135) South-facing, Interior $1,515,000 12/4/2013
636 12th Street 3000 (30 x 100) South-facing, Interior $1,589,000 10/17/2013
Possible view, Am Martyrs
3311 Elm Ave 8793 (irregular) West-facing, interior $1,611,000 9/18/2013
1804 Agnes Rd 4800 (40 x 120) East-facing, interior $1.700,000 5/22/2013 Private party
American Martyrs
738 29th Street 4800 (40 x 120) South-facing, Interior $1,750,000 3/31/2014
677 19th Street 9631 (Irregular) North-facing, Interior $1,850,000 4/11/2014
Some downslope, Am Martyrs
3309 Walnut Ave 9287 (80 x 116) West-facing, Interior $2,050,000 12/24/2012 Double lot
544 Marine Ave 5885 (60 x 99) South-facing, Interior $2,250,000 5/14/2013
Double lot
3312 N Poinsettia 9282 (80 x 116) East-facing, Interior $2,350,000 1/29/2014
Double lot, some downsloping
524 15th St 6311 (50 x 125) South-facing, Interior $2,500,000 8/13/2013
Some view potential American Martyrs